Most Mothers Chose to Consume

Most mothers chose to consume their placenta postpartum for the abounding benefits, physically and mentally that it provides.

It is said to:
-Prevent and lessen the risk of postpartum depression or baby blues.
-Replenish your iron from blood loss during birth and prevent post birth anemia.
-Lend you a consistent flow of oxytocin long after your birth euphoria ends.
-Provide the HPL hormone to help establish early and healthy milk supply.
-Stabilize your ever changing hormones post birth.
-Replenish your B-vitamins and energy that were consumed during the labor and   birthing process.
-Provide natural pain relief from the labor and birth of the baby.

Iron– The placenta postpartum is rich in iron, it is estimated that up to 50% of US citizens have some form of anemia (low iron). Replenishing so much blood after birth is a large task to take on. Having low iron often results in lower hormone levels, fatigue, lack or concentration and depressive symptoms. In studies, women with postpartum depression given iron supplements improved greatly.

Lactation– In a study where women were given placenta to consume, 86% reported   increase milk production within four days. Research is still being done to completely narrow down exactly which hormones react with human milk supply to give it a boost.

Hormone Stabilization– Hormone fluctuations looked at in direct research with postpartum depression has shown that the placenta contains hormones that assist in treating and preventing this disorder. During the pregnancy the placenta produces stress-fighting hormones. Once the placenta is no longer present, it can take months for the brain and body to level out the hormones. During this time, the instability can cause depressive symptoms. By ingesting the placenta after birth, the mother is reintroducing these vital hormones to her body, until her brain signals it’s own production and can level out on it’s own.

Pain Relief– Research has shown that ingesting placenta increases the effectiveness of opioids (ie: Tylenol). The mother would need to take much less pain medication to reach the same desired pain management. The women would experience less pharm logical side effects and better maternal responsiveness.